Anyone who’s ever owned a car will know how much they can come to mean to you, and how they can seemingly transcend their status as simple practical machines. We tend to develop a ‘connection’ to our cars that makes them seem almost like friends with personalities of their own, or as extensions of our own body, and of course this has been played upon in the movies to create some truly legendary cars that either talk and have personalities, or that are synonymous with the protagonist who drives them. Following then are the top ten famous cars from film and TV.
10. Herbie – Herbie has to make it onto any top 10 famous film cars list as the lovable car with a face we all remember from our childhood. As a result it’s hard not to think of headlights on eyes.
9. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – The first Ian Flemming related entry to our top ten famous film cars list. Famous for the (horribly catchy) music if nothing else.
8. Lightning McQueen – Cars might not have been one of the most successful Pixar movies, but Lightning McQueen is still one of the most recognisable film cars and so a stickler for the top 10 famous film cars. And it helps that he’s voiced by the amazing Owen Wilson.
7. Bumblebee – The concept behind the first Transformers film was that it would be a film about a boy and his first car, and the relationship between Shea LeBouf and Bumblebee is actually very touching as a result. Plus he’s a kick-ass roboto so he goes on any top ten famous film cars list.
6. The Bluesmobile – The conveyance of the Blues Brothers – a Dodge Monaco Police car, and just as iconic as everything else in the film series (putting ‘mobile’ on the end of anything makes it into an automatically cool car).
5. Knight Rider – Everybody wishes they could talk to their car, which is why KITT the black Pontiac Firebird is one of the top 10 famous film cars. Technically Knight Rider is a TV series, but it’s surely only a matter of time until the car makes it to the big screen (hopefully with Hastlehoff in tow!).
4. Starsky and Hutch’s Torino – Certainly one of the most well-known (and lusted after) cars in film and television history, and put through the ringer in a vast array of impressive stunts and chases.
3. The DeLorien DMC-12 – The car from Back to the Future, and a central part of the plot as the MacGuffin needed to get the car to work. Like all the top 10 famous film cars, this one is instantly recognisable.
2. The Bat Mobile – The Bat Mobile has had many iterations, any of which could make the top 10 famous film cars of all time. The most recent version is practically a tank and looks like a Lego car we’d have designed as children: brilliant.
1. Aston Martin DB5 – Any Bond car gets classic status just as any Bond girl does, but the DB5 was the first to really stand out and to be kitted out with gadgets and gizmos. It’s the Bond car and the most sought after vehicle on the planet as a result.
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I was really looking for a Top Ten Famous Film Cars. Thanks God I found this on Google. I was very curious. And seriously, I hoped that the bat mobile would be the first. But DB5 is good enough too. James Bond made it no. 1 in your top ten famous film cars 😛
If I were to choose my favorite of this Top Ten Famous Film Cars post… I would say the knight rider is the one. That Pontiac Firebird ruled my childhood. I was amazed by that car. I didn’t realize that the whole movie was on fast forward, oh well.
Anyway, thanks for posting this top ten famous film cars. It’s an interesting read.
Wow, herbie is here. Wasn’t expecting to see herbie in top ten famous film cars. Although it is quite popular. That’s a great car, man. I wonder if there is anyone seeing the movies who can’t remember it.
Haha, I loled when reading this top ten famous film cars. How is the car’s name on the 9th place read? How can you call a car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Who’s the inventor of that?
In contradistinction to that, on the other hand, top ten famous film cars is well organized.
These are all great cars. I have always loved Starsky and Hutch’s Torino. That is a nice looking car. And to have a sweet car like Bumblebee would be nice as well. Heck, I would even love to drive the Batmobile around!
I have always been a huge Herbie fan. Since the day it came out. This is a great list of top ten famous cars used in film, even if my favorite is number 10. I vote for number one for him, but hey at least he made this list.
What is the most powerful car in this top ten famous film cars? I mean real cars, not batmobiles and stuff. Does anyone know? I’m guessing that The DeLorien DMC-12 is, but I’m not 100 percent sure. This way, it wouldn’t be just the 3rd in top ten famous film cars. But also the most powerful.
Bumblebee, “the most muscle car” in top ten famous film cars. I am so much of a fan of those. Mustangs are really great.
From top ten famous film cars, the bat mobile is also a favorite. I like its look.
Top ten famous film cars should be extended. We should have a top 15 famous cars. There are so many cars who were present in lots of movies.
By the way… I know it was a website containing names of the cars appearing in movies. But I can’t remember its name. Can anybody help me? Thanks.
I think that this list is well rounded out. I like the fact that real cars and cartoon cars made the top ten. My favorite car on this list would have to be the Batmobile. I have always had a thing for Michael Keaton and loved it when he drove it!
I would have liked to have seen the Bond car further up the list and maybe the Blues Brothers car closer to number one. Not much of a fan for Bond so maybe that is why I do not care for his car. I do think that the list is great though. Just a few minor adjustments to make and then it would be perfect.
Top ten famous film cars would mean top ten famous cars. I don’t see any other car more famous than those which were in movies. If you disagree, reply.
I can see that many commenters chose their favorite car from top ten famous film cars. Well, I am not into cars. So I can’t choose any.
This is a great top ten list. I think it is great that part of the cars are real and part are cartoons. I love the car from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It is an old car but looks awesome.
I love the cars from Cars. Lightening McQueen is a neat looking car and kids love him. I am glad to see that he made this list. I would have moved him closer to number one though.
Pretty good top ten list. I am impressed. But I would change a few things. Maybe make the Batmobile number one. And move the Blues car to number 2 and make 3 the James Bond car. Just my opinion.
I loved the movie Cars so was happy that Lightening made it in the list. He made the movie and should be on the list of top ten film cars. I think though that maybe it would have been a good idea to stick with all cartoons for a list and then all real cars for another list. Just my personal thought though.
Good list with one glaring omission, the General Lee. I can’t think of a more iconic car than the General! The movie based on the show was bad, but the car is still the star.
The bluesmobile is the best car ever. How you can compare that to some of these other vehicles is beyond me. I think it should have been number one. It is a great movie and iconic car.
BumbleBee = number one. I would have put this great car as number one. I love it and wish I could have a car like this one. It was a great movie and Bumblebee helped to make that movie. Just my opinion as the list is great. But I would just like to see the bee as number one.
I love the Torino. That is one bada** car. I would love to have my own. I wish that one would have been moved closer to number one. I could really care less about any of the other cars on here.
I somehow expected to see ECTO from “Ghostbusters” on this list, this was really a great car. Another good addition could have been “THE CAR” from the same horror movie. Otherwise, an interesting list.
And what about the Ghostbuster’s car???