The web has changed the way we live. It has changed the way we communicate with each other, the way we do business and the way we learn and find information. Almost all of us now carry around with us devices that we can use to access an oracle of information and provide a range incredible applications to help us find where we are, stay fit and healthy or share our thoughts and feelings with the world. The future truly is here, and we’re only really seeing the start of it.
But what the web has also brought us is funny videos of cats. Lots of funny videos of cats, and quite a few of dogs. There are also videos of giant sharks, and occasionally people doing flips in wheelchairs…
In many ways this is what the web is really about, it’s a canvas for humanities strangeness, and love of whimsy. YouTube is where most of us really express ourselves, and where we can see some of the most incredible, unlikely and simply odd things anywhere on the web. Here are the top 10 YouTube videos.
10. Nyan Cat
Talking of inane and bizarre videos, Nyan cat really takes the biscuit. The original clip is 3:37 minutes of unadulterated weirdness in the form of a strange pop-tart-cat flies through space in an animated GiF to the backdrop of maddening repetitive music. There are countless versions of the video, some lasting hours and some involving celebrities and well known cartoon characters. All of them are insane.
9. Fenton the Dog
Fenton the Dog is a relatively new entry but is already undoubtedly one of the top 10 YouTube videos. The video, which is actually called ‘Jesus Christ in Richmond Park’, shows a man chasing after a rebellious dog called Fenton who’s chasing after a heard of deer. It’s like something out of a children’s cartoon.
8. Where the Hell is Matt
Where the Hell is Matt is a great YouTube video that shows another side of the human condition. This one is an uplifting and awe inspiring video of a guy called Matt dancing throughout the world with locals in many countries joining in and lots of famous landmarks features. The sheer scale alone makes it one of the top 10 YouTube videos.
7. Hannibal for King
Hannibal for King features in a workout video that takes place in a playground and involves some incredible bodyweight moves. Little was known about the bodybuilder/gymnast featured at the time, but the video quickly became a hit and resulted in lots of imitations as well as the creation of the ‘Bartendaz’ and ‘Barmasters’ and the entertaining rivalry between them.
6. Humans Are Awesome
Humans Are Awesome is a name shared by a few different videos, but whichever is the original, they are all highly entertaining and inspiring. Each of them feature the same thing – a montage of clips of people doing incredible things from shooting hoops from incredible distances, to turning wheelchairs into submarines, to leaping off of cliffs, to playing sports, to building elaborate contraptions, to doing incredible bike and skateboard stunts. A man even appears to run on water.
5. Jizz in My Pants
Jizz in My Pants quickly became a favorite among college students and one of the top ten YouTube videos when it was released by Lonely Island. A comedic piece of music, it was the first big hit from the group that also brought us ‘I’m on a Boat’ and ‘I Just Had Sex’.
4. Keyboard Cat
Keyboard cat is not one YouTube video, but rather a character who appears on many. The cat features in a brief old clip where he plays the piano, and this has been subsequently used at the end of a huge number of outtake videos where the cat ‘plays off’ the injured/embarrassed individual at the end.
3. David After the Dentist
This video has managed an incredible 117,490,460+ views which is pretty impressive considering it’s just a film of a boy in the back of the car rambling while he’s still suffering the effects of the anaesthetic. It’s maybe a bit wrong to laugh at a kid who’s essentially on drugs… but it’s still pretty funny.
2. Charlie Bit My Finger – Again!
Another classic featuring kids being kids, this one follows the exploits of ‘Charlie’ and his brother Harry trying to land him in trouble. It’s very cute, and a video that any parent can relate to. It’s one of the most viewed top ten YouTube videos of all time.
1. Gangnam Style
It wouldn’t be a countdown of the top 10 YouTube videos without Gangnam Style – an insanely catchy music video with a very enthusiastic lead singer and some completely nonsensical clips. The dance has become a craze in itself, and people tend to go crazy whenever it comes on in clubs.
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