Having a hobby is a great way to pass time, and to fill those potentially boring hours when you’re stuck at home with no one to talk to. If you’ve got a good hobby then you will truly never be bored and you’ll find that you can get a lot more out of life as a result. Hobbies give us focus, they can be a great distraction in times when life seems tough, and in some cases they can become a great way to impress friends or even make a living doing something you enjoy.
If you’re thinking of taking up a new hobby though you might find it somewhat difficult picking from the various different options out there and be struggling to get inspiration. Here then we will look at the top 10 hobbies to help you find something you could see yourself taking on.
10 Extreme Sports
Extreme sports are not something that anyone can take up, and you certainly need to be a specific type of person to enjoy them and to be in fairly good shape. However if you’re looking for a bit more action and adrenaline in your life, then nothing can quite match leaping out of a plane or hurtling down a mountain.
9 Drawing
Drawing or painting are fantastic hobbies that can completely absorb you when you get into them. Not only is this one of the top 10 hobbies in terms of impressing friends and learning a useful skill, but it’s also a great way to take your mind off your woes and to get some quiet time that doesn’t involve staring at a screen..
8 Gaming
And now for that quiet time that does involve staring at a screen. These days gaming is a completely legitimate hobby and more and more people are starting to take playing games seriously. Whether you like retro arcade games, or the cinematic blockbuster style games like Halo 4 there’s a lot of fun to be had here and something for everyone.
7 Fitness
Many people think of going to the gym as something you do because you have to, not as something you do as a hobby because you want to. However, if you find that too much of life is spent in front of a desk and you need a way to blow off steam then getting into running, weight lifting or boxercise is a great way to burn off that excess energy and one of the top ten hobbies for sure.
6 Martial Arts
Martial Arts are a hobby that really gives a lot back. Not only do they offer another great way to get fit and to burn calories while toning muscle, but they also increase confidence and discipline and generally help you to develop yourself as a person.
5 Woodwork
Leaning woodwork is one of the top 10 hobbies thanks to how very useful it is. Not only can you become generally more practical and handy to help with jobs around your own home, but this is also a great way to do favours for friends and to earn some more cash on the side.
4 Cooking
Cooking is a great hobby that will impress guests and that can be surprisingly cathartic. There are also many different types of cooking again to suit different needs and tastes with baking currently being particularly trendy.
3 Writing
Writing is a brilliant hobby and another one that can completely involve you making it impossible to think about your various worries and concerns. Writing can be something you do for a blog which is potentially another way to earn more money, or it can mean writing a book and finally telling that story you’ve been thinking of for years.
2 Sports
If we were to list individual sports we could fill a whole new top ten hobbies list. Rather though, learning any sport is a great way to get into shape and to have fun with friends and the competitive element and gradual improvement in any sport makes them very addictive.
1 Playing an Instrument
Playing an instrument is a hobby that anyone can enjoy and that is highly rewarding. Playing a tune on the piano, the guitar or the violin is not only very challenging and great for brain development, but it’s also a way to express yourself and even to keep yourself company.
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