A car breaking down, failing to start or seeming somehow unsafe is one of the most frustrating and annoying things that can happen to someone. Inevitably you are traveling somewhere when it happens – or at least attempting to start your car – and that means that there is probably somewhere you need to be. Thus when the car breaks down and you find you’re not going to make it, it’s more than a little frustrating. They’re expensive to repair too and quite dangerous to drive, so even if it’s just making a funny noise or not looking right this can be a cause for concern.
What makes matters worse is that unless you happen to be a mechanic there is very little you can do… Or is there? Thankfully if your car does break down there are some simple problems that might be causing it and that you can either fix, or that can help you to get the car up and running more quickly by guiding the breakdown service in the right direction. Here we will look at the top 10 car problems.
10 Bad Serpentine Belt: This is one you might not be able to fix yourself, and usually it won’t be a problem if you get your car properly serviced regularly. However if you haven’t had it checked over for a while and your car starts squeaking or ‘squealing’ noise as you drive and when you start the car then this might be the problem. This is enough for most people to pull over and is one of the top 10 car problems.
9 Cracked Windscreen: A cracked or chipped windscreen is one of the top 10 car problems and happens a lot. You can continue to drive, but if it’s impeding vision it’s a good idea to get it seen to.
8 Car Bulb Failure: Another minor one of the top 10 car problems – but one that can nevertheless be difficult if it leaves you unable to see the road and other cars and civilians unable to see you coming.
7 Low Oil: This is one of the top ten car problems but is also entirely avoidable if you make sure to fill regularly.
6 Dead Battery: There are several reasons for this common one of the top ten car problems. It may be that you left a light on over night or while parked which drained the battery, or it might be that the battery is old and losing charge. Regardless if you need to just get home then you can get some juice by getting a jump start. Another of the top ten car problems related to the battery. The alternator is not the battery itself, but the part that recharges the battery as you drive. Thus your car will lose charge even after a jump.
5 Worn Shocks: Worn shocks mean your car loses its suspension and the ride becomes more bumpy (which can do damage to the car). A warning sign is vibration coming through the wheel or chair, but this can be tricky to differentiate from a flat tire.
4 Ignition Problems: One of the top ten car problems and one of the most annoying. The car cranks but doesn’t start and the reasons for this can range from being minor to quite serious.
3 Electrical Problems: The car has many electrical parts and things like blown fuses in the dash board make up a large range of the top 10 car problems. A common problem is that keys fail to start the ignition too – and this can be a result of dust preventing the metal contacts from contacting on the key and locks.
2 Worn Brakes: Over time brake pads become worn down and start to squeak when you use them. This simply requires replacing. In other cases small stones can get caught between the brake pads and this prevents them from working while creating a loud noise.
1 Flat Tire: A highly common of the top 10 car problems and one that leaves most of us on the side of the motorway waving for help. The simple solution is to carry a spare with you in your boot.
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This is a great list of top ten problems for a car. I have had my low oil light on for about a year now. But the oil is never low. I check it all the time to make sure but it must just be a sensor thing. It drives me crazy and have tried to have it fixed but they say nothing is wrong with it.
Oh, I hate cracked windshields. It’s one of the most annoying in top 10 car problems. I owned 3 cars and all of them got their windshields cracked. The dead battery is also annoying. But fortunately, you can still start your engine with some little help.
Take care of your car and you won’t face any of these top 10 car problems. Get your car regularly serviced and make sure it’s in shape. Of course, this may not help with flat tires or cracked windshields. But will help from other bad things happening. Trust me, if you take care of your car, it will take care of you:D
When you get a car, you should be aware of top 10 car problems. A car is not that easy to support. It costs money. Every reparation and component that needs to be fixed means spent money. Not to mention the gas, which is now more expensive than ever.
Every driver will come across every one of these top 10 car problems. Fortunately, if you service your car on a regular basis, bad things won’t happen. I mean you won’t spend that much money. As someone already mentioned, you just have to take care of your car.
ps: I have been driving for more than 10 years now and I still love it, no matter that I have came across those top 10 car problems so many times
I have had my fair share of car problems and some of them that were listed I have dealt with. I have had low oil before and always make sure to check it now as once my car was so low it did not start. And flat tires just happen to everyone. It stinks but make sure you have a good spare with you at all times.
If your car will not start make sure you check to see if you battery is not corroded. A good tip if it is is to pour some coke over it. The coke will eat away at the corrosion. I have had to do this a few times with some of my older cars and it worked great.
Useful post for those planning to get a driving license. Or for those who are planning to buy a car. Top 10 car problems is about things that you are going to pay for, guys. So make sure you know what you’re going for. Not all of these things cost that much, though.
I have a cracked windshield and it is going to cost me a lot to get it fixed. It started off small and I was not worried about it. Getting bigger and bigger. Now I have to get it fixed. So do not be stupid like me by putting it off getting fixed. Do it when it is small.
I just got my car out from service. And I was curious about the most often car problems. Never knew that these are the top 10 car problems.
I just replaced my old shock absorbers. I spent a fortune on the new ones.
Usually, the ignition problems are related to the battery. Most often, the car doesn’t start because of the dead battery.
Top 10 car problems is what makes a car quite costly to afford. We always have to save money for it. It’s annoying.
I guess I’m facing a worn brakes problem. When I brake, I can hear a disturbing sound. I guess it’s time for me to replace my brake pads.
Until now, I haven’t experienced any other stuff in top 10 car problems. But my car was bought recently from someone who took good care of it.
If you get a crack in your windshield do fix it as soon as you can. I had one and it was not big so I let it go. Big mistake. It got really hot one day and then it cracked even more and more. Now I drive around with a huge crack over my entire windshield which is not really that safe.
What about the air not working? That is my big problem right now. It is 90 degrees and I am stuck without air. It really stinks. I feel this one should have made the top ten list.
Dead battery has been one of my biggest problems for a car. I have had that happen to me at least four times. It is a minor problem to fix. You just buy a new battery.
I have to change my serpentine belt. It is very dangerous not to replace it when needed. It might even be one of the most dangerous in top 10 car problems you might face.
Anyway, I love my car. I take a lot of care of it hoping that I won’t meet these top 10 car problems too often.
Another problem I have seen many times is when the car overheats. My car did this in the spring and now my truck is doing it. There was a crack in my car somewhere. I am not sure what is causing the truck to do this.
I’m a girl so I’m not very familiar with any of these top 10 car problems. I look like just the girl in the picture. If you put me in front of a problem I do not know how to deal with it. So, I need help regarding cars. If any of these top 10 car problems appears I would not manage myself.
I wouldn’t have made a top 10 car problems list. Every problem which appears at your car is bad! If it is a flat tire or your battery dies, you have a problem! Maybe this top 10 car problems are the one which appear most often. The flat tire is indeed the most common but it is easy to fix.