Throughout the history of film and television there have been countless fantastic characters, but arguably none so colourful as some of those seen in cartoons. In honour of the laughs and the tears shed over these larger-than-life (and often very strange) creations then, here we will look at the top 10 cartoon characters of all time. Whether Saturday morning cartoons, or epic full motion pictures such as those from Disney and Pixar, these top 10 cartoon characters have entertained generations of children and adults alike.
10. Jessica Rabbit
Jessica rabbit has to make this list of top 10 cartoon characters for being perhaps the only cartoon to have grown men drooling. If this was a list of top ten sexiest cartoon characters rather than the top 10 cartoon characters in general, then Jessica Rabbit would surely be number one – though for many men she still tops the list and is a highly popular Halloween costume for many women too.
9. Inspector Gadget
As cartoon heroes go, Inspector Gadget is certainly one of the most inspired and imaginative and has a special place for most of us born in the 80s or 90s. Sadly the film adaptation was severely lacking proving that the top 10 cartoon characters do not always translate well into live action.
8. Fred Flintstone
The first Hannah Barbera entry on our top 10 cartoon characters of all time is Fred Flintstone, a brilliant pastiche of the typical husband and one half of one of the best comedy parings in cartoon history (the other half of course being the equally iconic Barney Rubble).
7. Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse of course has to have a place on any list of top 10 cartoon characters simply for being one of the first recognisable cartoon characters and one of the most iconic. Many people would argue that he should be number one on any top 10 cartoon characters list – but unfortunately for most of us the character is actually a little bland and hasn’t really been modernised in a convincing way (though the recent game Epic Mickey was certainly an enjoyable revamp).
6. Cartman
Cartman is a departure from the other top 10 cartoon characters in that he is aimed squarely at adults being highly foul mouthed and insidiously twisted. However that’s what makes the character so great and still consistently funny despite the South Park franchise being over a decade old. It’s a testament to the character that despite being so despicable, the audience are always secretly routing for him…
5. Bugs Bunny
Just as Mickey is the flagship character for Disney, so Bugs Bunny is the flagship character for Warner Bros. However unlike Mickey, Bugs Bunny is actually full of character and very funny to watch. Bugs Bunny is a typical ‘trickster’ archetype and was said to inspire Johnny Depp’s take on Captain Jack Sparrow. Constantly getting the upper hand on his opponents and always ready with his catchphrase ‘what’s up doc’, he is one of the most enduring and entertaining of these top ten cartoon characters.
4. Buzz Lightyear
Okay so technically Buzz is CGI, but in a world where CGI has all but replaced feature length cartoons it seems only right that this medium be represented in the list of top ten cartoon characters. At the same time Buzz Lightyear is a completely inspired character with infectious optimism and being a great action hero in his own right as well as incredibly sympathetic in some of the highly emotional scenes where he comes to terms with his own mortality (sort of), Buzz Lightyear transcends his medium to be one
3. Optimus Prime
For many of us growing up Optimus Prime was the ultimate father figure and good influence. Unlike the other top 10 cartoon character, Optimus Prime has also enjoyed countless re-inventions in series like Transformers Armada and the new Transformers: Prime series and even made the successful transition to film making him more than just one of the top 10 cartoon characters of all time, but one of the top characters of all time full stop. For proof of just what an impact this character can make, look no further than the death scene in the 80s cartoon motion picture which caused a barrage of angry mail from parents and marks a dark day for many of our childhood’s. A cartoon character has never been so deeply mourned.
2. Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson is always cropping up on lists of top 10 cartoon characters and often making it to the number one spot for being the loveable idiot that almost all of us can associate with on some level. With a series of his own catchphrases (and ‘Doh’ even making it into the English Dictionary) and as star of the longest running cartoon series of all time, Homer Simpson is well and truly a part of popular culture and nothing short of legendary among cartoon characters.
1. Tom
However the number one spot on this list of top 10 cartoon characters is reserved for a certain blue/grey cat called Tom. The character himself – particularly during the Fred Quimby era – is brilliantly evil and sadistic while always seeming put upon at the same time. With brilliant facial expressions and a wicked sense of humour, Tom was well ahead of his time when the first MGM cartoons came out and many of the other top 10 cartoon characters on this list wouldn’t exist without him.
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I guess Jerry needs to be mentioned in this top 10 cartoon characters too. If not separately, at least he should join Tom, for the first position. Tom & Jerry were my fav cartoons.
Cartman is also extremely funny. So he deserves its spot in the top 10 cartoon characters.
Who the heck is Buzz Lightyear? And what is he doing in top 10 cartoon characters? I have never heard of him. I guess I am going to google him 😀
Someone else should have taken his place in this top 10 cartoon characters.
Seriously, you do not know who Buzz lightyear is? Have you never seen Toy Story? Anyway I feel that he should be on the top ten list as he is great. My nephew loves him and will copy him. To infinity and beyond!
Indeed, Jessica Rabbit would be the sexiest. 10th place on a top 10 cartoon characters is also good, though. It’s nice that when we were kids, we couldn’t see her like a sexy woman. Kids’ innocence, heh.
Nice top 10 cartoon characters, btw.
10th place among these top 10 cartoon characters isn’t that good. It is the last place. Jessica Rabbit deserve a better place. She is so sexy for a cartoon character. And she’s the only female from this top.
I was fascinated by Inspector Gadget. I was always watching those cartoons. This entry about top 10 cartoon characters reminded me of him. I hope I can find his episodes on the Internet. I would definitely see them again. Or do you know any other shows from this top 10 cartoon characters available on the Internet?
These are all great cartoons but I can not see why Mickey Mouse did not make it to number one? He is the best out of all of them. He is very classic. But then again I would say that Homer Simpson is not my all time favorite either.
I don’t either understand why isn’t Mickey Mouse the number one in this top 10 cartoon characters. It is indeed the best. It is probably the most popular from all these top 10 cartoon characters. It really deserves to be the first. In my top he is the number one.
You have got to be kidding me that Tom is number one? I think that Jerry is much better! And what kind of cartoon is Jessica? I never much cared for her. I wish that Donald Duck was on here though! I think that many cartoons could be added. We need a top 100!
I think there is no Tom without Jerry. These two must be together in this top 10 cartoon characters. I too think that Jerry is better than Tom, but together are much better. In fond, they are a ‘team’ right. So, these two deserve to be together on the first place in this top 10 cartoon characters.
There are many great cartoons so to each his own. I do not think that Cartman should have made this list and I agree why was Tom on here but not Jerry? I would have liked to have seen the Smurfs on here. Or remember the Shirttales? I used to love them so much. Or even the carebears!
Top 10 cartoon characters couldn’t look better. This is exactly how I would have imagined the top.
Cole, why dou you say cartman shouldn’t have made this list? He’s very popular. And also funny. He’s ok as part in top 10 cartoon characters.
I do not consider Jessica Rabbit to be a top ten. I feel that she sort of trashy. I love the fact that some classics made it a on here. I have a soft spot for Mickey Mouse. I sure wish other classics were on here, such as Winnie the Pooh.
Hei. I do not agree with you. Jessica Rabbit deserves to be among these top 10 cartoon characters. She is really special. I would have put her on a better place. She is one of my favorite top 10 cartoon characters.
I do not understand why we would want to mix classic with other cartoons. Like Fred Flinstone and Mickey Mouse. They are classics. But to put them in a list with Cartman and Homer Simpson? Come on that is just ridiculous.
I tend to agree with Joe. He is partially right. We shouldn’t mix these characters. But this is a top 10 cartoon characters which gathers cartoon characters from all times. It doesn’t matter if a cartoon character is classic or modern. What matters is how popular it is. In fond, this is a top 10 cartoon characters with the most popular ones, right?
I loved Fred Flinstone as a child. He was so crazy as was Barney Rubble. Glad that Fred made the top ten list! YOu just can not find good cartoons on these days. Writers need to resort back to the good ones listed above.
Jessica Rabbit was hot when she came out. Nothing like that was ever seen before. She is not as classic as say Fred but still a good cartoon. I was glad to see her on this list.
Where may I ask on this list is the Carebears? I think that they are pretty big. They were in the 80s anyway and have carried on. Get rid of Jessica and put them in her spot. They deserve to be there more in my opinion.
Mickey Mouse should have beat Tom out. I mean does Tom have his own amusement park? No. So Mickey Mouse is more popular or could you say successful? Yes we will go with being much more successful.
Jessica Rabbit? What makes her so great? I do not understand why anyone would put her on the list but I guess it is not my list . I am glad some of the others made it on. Such as Bugs bunny, Mickey and Fred. Those are the classics.
Why did you put Tom on first place in this top 10 cartoon characters? Why didn’t you put Jerry on that place? Why did you split them? If you wanted this cartoon on your top 10 cartoon characters you should have putted Tom and Jerry together, not only Tom. They together are making this cartoon interesting.
I have never loved the Flintstones. Fred Flintstone isn’t one of the top 10 cartoon characters I like. And neither the rest characters from this cartoon I don’t like. Maybe that Dino. He was kinda stupid huh? It deserves more to be among these top 10 cartoon characters than Fred.
From all these top 10 cartoon characters Bugs Bunny is my favorite. I grew up with these cartoons. Looney tunes were the best. And where are that black duck and that piggy? Huh, they should be among these top 10 cartoon characters.
Cartman is different from the rest top 10 cartoon characters. It is much funnier. The jokes from South park aren’t understand by everybody. Maybe that’s why some people don’t like it. To me, Cartman should be on the first place among these top 10 cartoon characters
I like all these top 10 cartoon characters. I’ve seen all of them ‘acting’. Tom and Jerry are my favorite top 10 cartoon characters. With this cartoon I grew up. It is my number 1.
Jessica Rabbit is the sexiest top 10 cartoon characters. From your list is the only female character. Why is so? There are many other female top 10 cartoon characters which deserve to be mentioned. Anyway, JR should be on the first place in my opinion.
Inspector Gadget is certainly one of the most inspired and imaginative top 10 cartoon characters. It is indeed a hero. I loved this cartoon. But I cannot remember it so good. Anyway, Inspector Gadget is definitely part of this top 10 cartoon characters list.
i like flnstones the most and he should be on the top of the list