We live in an age of gadgets and the technology industry is perhaps one of the biggest and most exciting industries currently in existence. Even in the face of the current economic crisis there are technologies and devices that are becoming huge success stories and flying off the shelves. It seems that we can’t help but want the latest gizmos and the newest devices – it seems there’s a little James Bond in all of us. Here we will look at the top 10 new gadgets and devices that have made a real splash in the last couple of years.
10 3D TV
3D is actually an old technology and particularly if you count the old red and green glasses kind. However it’s only in recent years that it’s started to really kick off – thanks majorly to the film Avatar, but also thanks to lots of other new technologies that have made it a real hit. 3D TV isn’t ubiquitous yet, but it is one of the top 10 gadgets and devices – something that everyone wants to own and that is a great thing to boast.
9 The iPod
Apple of course are going to have a few entries on this list of the top 10 gadgets and devices. The iPod was a revolution when it was first released and genuinely did change the music industry forever. However rather than sink into obscurity, the device has continued to innovate through the iPod Touch and the iPod Shuffle and has remained one of the top ten gadgets and devices.
8 Netbooks
Netbooks are also a technology that has been around for a while, but it’s only now that you’re starting to see them in their droves in coffee shops, on tubes and everywhere else. Thanks to these and some of the other top ten gadgets and devices there is now never a time that you can’t be working… which presumably is a good thing?
7 The iPhone
The iPhone is the next entry from Apple on our list of the top 10 gadgets and devices. Here’s a gadget that once again was a real game changer, and one that took the idea of the smart phone to the next level. It’s ‘App store’ was the real master stroke and opened up development to its users creating an endless array of incredible applications that genuinely made every aspect of life easier.
6 The Wii
The Wii is an example of just how innovative and savvy games console manufacturers Nintendo can be. Here’s a device that opened up gaming to a whole new audience while at the same time being one of the coolest top 10 gadgets that everyone wanted to impress their guests with. The idea? Motion control for computer games which turned things like volley ball and bowling into a party event you could play at home.
5 Android Phones
Android phones didn’t cause a big stir in the same way that iPhones did, but have rather fought a silent revolution against Apple’s game changer by offering more freedom and openness and by refining some of the weaker points of the iOS. This is the kind of competition that results in true innovation. Android phones are one of the top ten gadgets and devices and are now outselling iPhones – the ball is currently in Apple’s court.
4 The Kinect
While the Wii started the revolution, Microsoft’s Kinect is what has demonstrated the most promise for continuing it. While the software available for the device is currently underwhelming, the Kinect beats the Wii by doing away with the need for any kind of controller and instead relying purely on motion control for the players’ bodies. To play the game you simply act out the movements while menus are controlled with Minority Report style gestures.
3 The 3DS
Another Nintendo entry – the 3DS is a device that allows you to game in 3D without glasses. While the technology isn’t perfect yet, it’s undoubtedly impressive as well as being innovative and exciting and for that reason it’s one of the top ten gadgets and devices.
2 The Kindle
Publishers were quaking in their boots and planning their doomsday-scenarios when Amazon announced the Kindle. This is a device that aimed to do to books what the iPod did to music, and gradually it’s succeeding thanks mostly to its revolutionary ‘e-ink’ screen that creates pages through droplets of ink and thereby prevents problems such as glare. It’s incredibly well designed and one version even comes with contract-free 3G internet connectivity.
1 The iPad
However if one device has created the most stir this decade it has to be the iPad which is why it wins this list of the top 10 gadgets and devices. It’s highly desirable, instantly accessible and at once familiar and new. The idea of using a tablet device to read magazines and browse the web through swipes and pinches is one straight out of science fiction and it presents a genuinely new way to enjoy the web.
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