Right now superheroes are possibly more popular than they have ever been with almost every other major blockbuster featuring some character or other wearing tights and leaping around rooftops. With the Avengers project this looks set only to continue to grow and this is reigniting people’s interests in the comics too. Thus it seems right that now be the time to look at a countdown of the top 10 superheroes of all time, following is just such a super-powered and primary colored list.
10 Green Lantern
The Green Lantern is one of the top 10 superheroes and one most of us know about despite his not having a blockbuster film about himself yet. This suggests a real love for the character which is possible a result of his striking color scheme and unique power set.
9 Deadpool
Deadpool is probably the curve-ball character on this like of the top 10 superheroes. His brief appearance in the Wolverine film didn’t do justice to the character’s witty and deranged comic persona, but hopefully a planned film will put that to rights. He could just be the next big thing.
8 Mr Fantastic
One of the Fantastic Four had to make it onto this list of the top 10 superheroes, so it had to be the eccentric scientific genius and leadership of Reed Richards.
7 Daredevil
Despite a horribly poor film, Daredevil has enough of a cult following that he can still make any list of the top ten superheroes. This is in no small part due to his striking appearance, unusual appearance and origin story and down to Earth story lines.
6 The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk was made one of the top ten superheroes as soon as the hit TV series was released. While the films have failed to capture that magic, the idea of the doormat Banner who flips and turned into a huge hulk able to extract revenge on his antagonists was just brilliant catharsis. The line ‘you won’t like me, when I’m angry’ has since become an indelible part of popular culture.
5 Wolverine
Wolverine represents one of the best ‘anti heroes’ of all time and this makes him undeniably ‘cool’. He was a fan favorite out of a huge cast of X-Men and certainly one of the top 10 superheroes.
4 Iron Man
Iron Man was little heard of before Robert Downey Jr turned him into a household name. However the stories were always nuanced and complex and often political tales about a character with an invincible armor that was used to protect his all too human weaknesses. It’s only right he should now take his place as one of the top 10 superheroes.
3 Batman
The quintessential anti-hero long before Wolverine donned his claws, and also a striking visual character, Batman’s appeal can be put down to many things, but primary among them must be the fact that this character is human – set apart only by obsession and physical fine tuning – but who nevertheless can throw down with the likes of Superman.
2 Spider-Man
Spider-Man is the only superhero who can make flying look dull. His acrobatics make the Spider-Man films and cartoons some of the most incredible to watch while his every day persona and witticisms make his stories humorous and relatable. One of the top 10 superheroes by any standards.
1 Superman
But it is Superman who started it all off and who created the template for every other superhero to be based on. As an image of perfection and unlimited this character exposes the mythological routes of the whole genre and allows for many heady subjects to be tackled. Truly iconic and so the winner of this list of top 10 superheroes.
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Ha, that’s one cool name, green lantern. Obviously one of top 10 superheroes.
Anyway, this top 10 superheroes is perfect. Every hero deserves its place. I’m not sure about deadpool though. Never heard of him.
Superman deserves to be on this list for sure. But not as number one. How about we move him and the hulk around? I say the big green hulk deserves to be number one. Just my opinion though.
A post like top 10 superheroes is interesting for kids to read. I will give the link to my little nephew. He is attracted to computers and likes reading blogs. He might even subscribe to your site. Thanks for writing this!
I have a little nephew too. But he’s too young to read about top 10 superheroes. A video would have been more helpful for him. I guess I must read him about top 10 superheroes. I’m sure he will be very excited. 😀
Superman must definitely be the first in top 10 superheroes. I mean there isn’t anybody who doesn’t know or like Superman. He is the hero for all kids. They all say they would like to be like Superman.
If this top 10 superheroes have consisted only from Superman, it would have been enough.
I agree with Lena. Superman deserves its first place among these top 10 superheroes. And not only kids know about him. He is known by everybody. From all these top 10 superheroes I think he is the most popular.
Superman is indeed the most popular from all these top 10 superheroes. He was created in 1938. He has appeared in various radio serials, television programs, films, newspaper strips and video games. Superman has fascinated many kids but also adults. He is the greatest from all these top 10 superheroes and he is also my favorite.
From these top 10 superheroes Wolverine I like most. It is my favorite character. I like the fact that he is strong and he can regenerate. He is one of the most complex characters from these top 10 superheroes. And X-Men is my favorite movie.
Wolverine is one of my favorite top 10 superheroes too. It is probably the coolest character from this top 10 superheroes list. Wolverine is an ambitious character which does only what he likes to. If he puts something in his mind he doesn’t stop if he doesn’t make that thing happen. That’s why I consider it one of the best top 10 superheroes.
I do not think Wolverine is the most complex top 10 superheroes. I think Superman is the most complex. He is also the most popular superhero. He deserves to be the number 1 among these top 10 superheroes. But this is only my opinion.
The ones from the places 9 and 10 from this list of top 10 superheroes are unknown to me. I’ve never heard about the Green Lantern or about the Deadpool. I haven’t seen them on T-shirts or in magazines. I haven’t even watched movies or cartoons about these two top 10 superheroes. I don’t think they deserve their places in this top 10 superheroes list.
How can you not know about these 2 top 10 superheroes? Deadool isn’t so popular but Green Lantern is. This year appeared a film about him. Haven’t you seen it? Anyway, these 2 top 10 superheroes deserve to be in this list. You are not informed well.
Hi,Rafaelo, how can you not know about these two top 10 superheroes? They are known by everybody, at least Green Lantern. The fact that he doesn’t have a blockbuster film about himself yet, show indeed how loved this character is. Green lantern is one of my favorite top 10 superheroes. I would have placed it in second place, after Superman.
I’m not very skilled regarding these top 10 superheroes. I don’t know many things about them. From all these top 10 superheroes I only know about superman of course. Batman and Spiderman are also known to me but not as much as Superman. Regarding the rest top 10 superheroes I just heard little about.
Vivian, you should read more. Or you should see more movies. I’m sure you will be very impressed with these top 10 superheroes stories. All these top 10 superheroes are very interesting. Superman is the most popular, yes, but the rest top 10 superheroes should be the same popular as he is.
Deadpool is one of the top 10 superheroes I don’t know about. This is the first time I heard about him. And I didn’t know that there is a film called Wolverine. I know Wolverine only from X-Men. So, these two top 10 superheroes play together in that movie?
Vivian, you don’t know about Ironman or about Wolverine? It is impossible that you haven’t seen movies or even cartoons with them. They are two of the top 10 superheroes. I cannot believe you don’t know about them. These two top 10 superheroes as popular as Batman and Spiderman.
I would love a film with top 10 superheroes. Just seeing all of them in one movie. I bet it would rock the cinematography. And it would make the producers rich.
But until the movie is done, I am happy with watching movies with every one of this top 10 superheroes! 😀
No one is a fan of daredevil? Heh, I love that guy.
I would like to see more tops like top 10 superheroes on this site. Since I was a kid I was fascinated by their world. I even bought lots and lots of magazines and comics. Still have ’em, heh.
I’m not really a big fan of these top 10 superheroes.
And why aren’t any girls in this top 10 superheroes list? Are you making discrimination? I think there are women who too deserve to be part of this list. Maybe even more than some of your top 10 superheroes.
the list is for superheroes..not superheroines.
I must admit I am not really a fan of superheroes. But from your list of top 10 superheroes, I watched Spiderman a lot! Batman was my other “favorite”. Now I consider that superheroes were created only for kids. There is no grown up that should be attracted to anyone in your top 10 superheroes.
To me Superman is just not number one. I would have rather seen Wolverine as number one. Superman is powerful yes, but Wolverine is powerful and so good looking. Let us switch these please and the list would suit me fine.
When I was a kid, I loved all of these characters in your top 10 superheroes. First, it was batman. Then, I was the biggest spiderman fan. Afterwards, Wolverine was the best!
Glad I came across your post with top 10 superheroes. Now I remembered of my childhood.
Hulk is the ugliest of top 10 superheroes. I hate him :D. Only if I were a kid, to bully other guys liking it.
A post like top 10 superheroes brings me back a lot of memories. and it seems like i am not the only one.
He may be ugly, that is true. But could you imagine having his power. He is so strong and powerful that it would be amazing to have that energy. I am glad that he made the top ten list.
Batman was always my favorite superhero. I loved it when he has played by Michael Keaton. What a sexy voice. He could save me any day.
Wolverine is my favorite top 10 superheroes. I watched the X-Men movie, the cartoon, I even have some stickers with him. It is a great character. It really deserves to be among these top 10 superheroes. Maybe even on the first place.
First off…
1:superman doesn’t deserve to be first.
2:although undoubtedly cool, BATMAN AND IRONMAN AREN’T SUPERHEROES!! They are just heroes.
Ohter than those,this was a pretty decent list