There are certain topics that people search for more than any other and losing weight is one of them. We all want to lose weight, and we all want to find quick fixes to help us shed the pounds and keep them off. While there’s no such thing as a silver bullet when it comes to weight loss, there are definitely some tips you can use to start losing weight. Here we will look at some of the different measures you can take – and in fact the top 10 ways to lose weight.
10 Take the Sugar Out of Your Tea
This works so well because it means you take in less sugar, but also because you will lessen your sweat tooth and so crave less sweet things throughout the day.
9 Build Muscle
People don’t think of muscle building as one of the top 10 ways to burn fat, seeing it instead as just a way to tone up. However if you workout it not only burns calories in itself, but also means your body burns further calories to maintain the muscle – so you literally burn fat in your sleep!
8 Eat Smaller Meals
Stop eating 10 big meals and instead eat several smaller meals. This has many different advantages and prevents you getting so hungry. One of the top 10 ways to lose weight and used by top models!
7 Chew More Thoroughly
This makes you crave less food and also helps the digestive process and prevents you from stretching your stomach.
6 Choose the Healthy Options
Want a snack? Choose raisins over a Mars bar. Friends getting a takeaway? Get a sandwich from a newsagents. Making these little healthy options all add up to one of the top 10 ways to lose weight.
5 Keep a Food Diary
A food diary is like it sounds – a simple diary of what you eat. By keeping this though it allows you to more easily control your intake of foods and particular food groups.
4 Use Regular Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise (CV) or aerobic exercise is any exercise that causes you to gasp for air. When you do this it’s because your body is burning stored fat and needs to carry oxygen around the body to do so. This then is the best way to lose calories.
Running is a great way to reduce your weight and one that will help you to burn a lot of calories. It can be a little harsh on your knees if you’re not careful though, so make sure you have good shoes and if possible stick to grass.
3 Ride to Work
But how do you keep up all this CV? One method is to simply ride to work – it’s also good for the environment and for your wallet. Definitely one of the top ten ways to lose weight.
2 Use Interval Training
The best way to use running and other CV though is through ‘interval training’ where you mix up the speeds you run. This allows you to run faster and burn more calories more quickly as you can rest in between. It also works your heart harder which makes it one of the top ten ways to lose weight, and one of the healthiest things you can do in general as well.
1 Restrict Your Calories
Fad diets don’t work and that’s why they’re not listed here as one of the top 10 ways to lose weight. What does work is simply eating normally in your current proportions but also eating less. You know how to do it, so start now!
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I do not think that keeping a food diary is one of the top 10 ways to lose weight. I do not see how a diary could help someone with this. Parts of the top 10 ways to lose weight are things like choosing the healthy options or making exercises. These things could really help you to lose weight…not a diary… So if you want to be fit do something!
I like almost all your top 10 ways to lose weight. But with one I do not agree. How can I take the sugar out of my tea? Tea is one of my favorite drinks and I like to enjoy it. Without proper ingredients it would not be tea…it would be a wish-wash.
I am going to try following all your top 10 ways to lose weight. Right now I have some troubles with my weight. I hope your top 10 ways to lose weight will help me. I’m so upset and I really want to become skinnier. I hope I will succeed. Wish me luck!